Date: April 25 2022
Venue: Islington Assembly Hall
Price: £25.00

Folk stuff with a strange crowd and even stranger artists who kept banging on about the personal difficulties of lockdown instead of playing anything uplifting for the audience. Tracks may have included…
No Envy, No Fear/Only You /New song (currently called You Said)*/Goodbye/Beautiful Day/Hey You/High And Low/I’d Rather Be With You/You Got Growin’ Up To Do
*Quite odd this, on three counts: 1. After releasing over 10 albums, the artist appears incapable of naming his own song. 2. Extraordinary arrogance to play an unfinished item to a crowd instead of playing stuff they know and have come to see. 3. He could have put the naming of the song to a vote and thus involved the crowd in an unforgettable moment when the song eventually gets recorded, if it ever does. Shabby.
The only two recognisable tracks were…
You Won’t Let Me/The Way It Seems to Go
The rest was doom-laden introspection played on a keyboard decked out with peculiar fencing and faux flowers.
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