Welcome to FlyingVs.com.
Over 800 gigs. 100+ venues. Over 1,500 bands. Rock on.
I have been going to gigs for over 50 years, and when sober enough I have kept all the tickets and set lists.
Search by band or venue and see if you were there. Send in a comment.
The Sex Pistols for £1.75 anyone? Iron Maiden for £3.00? Extraordinary stuff.
To celebrate what can happen when you go out to listen to live music, check out this YouTube clip. I went out to see Diesel Park West at the Half Moon in Putney, discovered the bassist was ill, and ended up filling in: LIKE PRINCES DO. You never know….
I was asked back for the encore:
Rock on, and let me know your experiences.
On the blues front, it was good to be featured in the same set list as Bonnie Raitt and Mose Allison
And here is my old band Fastback, showing how a Flying V should really be used.

Laurence Archer of Grand Slam, April 8, 2022, Islington Assembly Hall. And below at Camden Underworld September 21 2022. Check out the Flying Vs Hall of Fame

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